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Kia ora and welcome back to another MIT blog post reflecting on the design thinking process from the previous weekend.
As referred to in the above whakatauki people are always the most important thing on the planet. It is the children and families that are at the heart of this project and it is the people who surround that can make a difference to the challenges and issues that we face within schools and communities. Often knowing the right people to contact can open possibilities never before considered.
It was in this frame of mind that the next step in our team's process was formed.
Who was going to be a part of our project?
I began with the children and the people I was closest to at school whose leadership and support I valued. I then added any experts in the area of social-emotional intelligence that I had contact with.
After finishing off our list, Dorothy asked us to go bigger. Who were the greats, who, if we could contact would be able to provide unimaginable resourcing or information? I chose Brene Brown, John Hattie and Jordan Peterson.
The next step was to remove someone/s. Perhaps people who had possibly been involved before or were too 'close to home'.
And finally to ADD SOMEONE NEW
This was the easy part. As team members shared their thoughts and who they included new ideas and contacts sprang to mind and got quickly written down.
I'm excited to follow up with the contacts that I have identified and look forward to combining knowledge and bouncing ideas together.
If you know someone that might be able to add some ideas or knowledge or would like to contribute please message me in the comments below!
Thank you so much for reading and sharing this journey with me!
Kind regards,
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