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Monday, August 12, 2019

Another DFI: Computational Thinking

Image result for learn create share

Welcome back to another blog full of tidbits of Learn, Create and Share.

Please explore the resources that you find below as a wealth of resources and information was shared today that will change the way you think and teach as it has for me.

Notes about 'Share'

Human beings thrive on connection. We need connection with each other for sustainability and fullness in life.  Connection is sharing. has been happening since the beginning of time.

The digital social media platforms that began in 2005 all hooked into the tag line of human instinct to share. (eg. the caveman drawing himself and mammoth for the more developed man to view hundreds of years later.)

Social media has brought speed and amplification to sharing. Viral posts are an example of speed and amount of people who can access the subject you are sharing in a short amount of time. Amplification of sharing is through feedforward and feedback often via commenting.
Applied to learning this is far more powerful than the once common practice of a child sharing their learning by taking it home to their parents.

In order for learning through sharing to be as effective and validating as possible the viewers need to be an authentic audience.

What is an authentic audience?

There are those who are 'forced' by their responsibilities, job or situation to be a part of a shared setting. This created space is artificial. (eg. picking on a child to read aloud creates an  artificial audience as they are 'forced' to listen and do not do so by choice.)

An authentic audience on the other hand listens and responds by choice.

Learn Create Share has also had an incredible impact on students finishing their learning. It is so pertinent for children, as they develop, to have the success of finishing, especially as they go into the workforce. This is not only to accomplish life skills but to gain validation and self- empowerment.

This is different from the past where the purpose of finishing was to park a finished task in a book. Sharing allows for the beginning of new learning and gives a joy, power and purpose in completion.

Reading and commenting on peers' blogs is shown to raise achievement. Sharing is a powerful tool.

Time to Reflect


Today's session reinforced the need for me to continuously upskill. My pedagogy and theories of learning need to be alive and wriggling with all the latest learning and skills in order for my children to have the best possible platform for life. 
Kia Takatū ā-Matihiki is the basis for developing oneself through independent course and PD. It is houses a wealth of resources that support the digital technologies curriculum and incorporates tikanga Maori.

Digital technologies curriculum

My next step is to read and become familiar with the digital technologies curriculum. Dive in and explore Kia Takatū ā-Matihiki and be prepared with the knowledge i need to teach our tamariki in the best way possible.

Confidence, Capability, Workflow and Passion

Last year I became passionate about the idea of Genius Hour. Children had a 2 hour session every Friday to explore and create in workshops that they opted into. One of these was a Scratch Coding group. This was run by a group of expert boys who were very adept and taught other children how to create and design on Scratch. I explored in a limited way and made my own account on Scratch. 

Today my learning has been extended. I am now far more confident and very grateful for the time and direction given during this session. I realised that having the time to explore, create and learn through creating is so critical to embedding knowledge. 

Things I achieved from working on Scratch today:
- ideas for how literacy, numeracy and computational thinking can be developed in this platform.
- personal knowledge of how the game works, basic refresher and extra skills.
-confidence to teach and modal coding in front of the class.
- knowledge to set up a class account and student accounts

Check out the game that I built!

The Wonder of Hands on Programming:

I was blown away by the possibilities of hands on practical discovery and creation and the blending of digital programming into all areas of learning. ( ie music) 

Instant Ideas for the Classroom and follow up tasks:

Introduce an Hour of Code into the classroom share Code Combat with the learners.  Personally investigate Toxic Code, Silent Teacher and Compute IT to introduce to the students.

Get children to promote their blogs for more views. Every visitors who lingers and visits promotes a child's blog higher in googles search ranking.

Investigate and implement the Digital Technologies curriculum in the classroom through using the lessons and resources on OMG Tech.

Make a teacher and class account on Scratch

That's all from me today. Please try out the Scratch game and share your own thoughts or ideas in the comments below.
What has your journey into digital tech been like?
What tips and tricks do you know?
...and... have you learnt anything new from this post?

Nga mihi,
Miss D ;)


  1. Hey Alethea,
    I thought I should leave you a comment... because I have lingered on your blog... haha!
    I enjoyed playing your game! A tad challenging but enjoyable! I too enjoyed having the opportunity to increase my skill in scratch. It was nice to have an expert in the room that you could ask problems when you had reached your capabilities.
    I wish there was an easier way to increase the commenting aspect on students blogs. I really struggle with the idea that the only person commenting is someone who has to... for example other students in the class or the teacher. It would be nice to create an authentic connection between learners online... I shall ponder how to do this...
    Thanks for sharing,

  2. Thanks hun for commenting and don't feel like you have to reply. Time is so precious now. I actually had a lovely back and forth comment from two girls in my class. So I still think it's purposeful as, ( when given the time) children tend to comment on their friends posts which is validating and relevant to them. Lol I need to give them more time to do this haha... its just a case of what other area do I steal it from...
